Saturday, October 20, 2012

Unnaturally Green Book Review


          So recently I decided to buy the book Unnaturally Green, written by Felicia Ricci (who was the Elphaba standby in Wicked's San Francisco company). That was one of the best decisions I've ever made on choosing a book. It's a really great look in to the life of a standby, and is extremely funny too.

            What I really enjoyed about this book, was its honesty. Some people try to sugarcoat the life of being a performer, and most theatre goers think they have it all. This book shows the truth, that the life of a performer isn't all glitz and glamour, they have to struggle to prove themselves every single day of their lives.

          And this book is also immensely hilarious. Felicia Ricci really does have amazing comedic timing, and is a fantastic writer in my opinion. Once I got this book, I read it cover to cover in one sitting, I couldn't put it down. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone, it 's such a fantastic read!



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