Sunday, October 14, 2012

Eden Espinosa-Solo Album


          So, y'all know about Eden Espinosa right? Amazing singer, actress-the whole shebang.Was in Wicked-as the green girl, of course, Brooklyn, and Rent-just to name a few. But seriously-to use a term created by Felicia Ricci-that woman can belt her face.

          She's also one of my role models, and I was happily surprised when I found out that she would be making a solo album. Happy that I could finally hear her voice from something that isn't a YouTube video, and happy that she's finally making her own album. That time was way overdue.

          So to raise money for her album, Eden went on to raise some money. Kickstarter's a place where you can donate to a cause, and sometimes receive something in return. This was a huge success-I think she raised about $13,000 more than the goal she set. Which is amazing.

         And now-I think her album comes out in a couple of months. Which I am hugely excited for.

          An obligatory end of post question-are you guys excited for Eden's album release?

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