Friday, October 12, 2012

Les Mis Movie-Will It Be A Blockbuster or a Bust?

Promo poster for the Les Miserables Movie,
out December 2012

          Musicals being made into musicals-a practice in which some theatre goers disagree. They say that the movie can never be as good as the musical, that it can't capture the true emotion of seeing it live. Me? I'm kinda on the fence with this. With the right cast, and the right production team-it can turn out really well. I've seen some movie-musicals that do really well-they stick to the spirit of the musical and bring revenue to the show itself. Others...not so much.

          So, Les Miserables. In short, it takes place during the French Revolution and a ton of 'stuff' happens. It's an amazing musical that has performed around the world, and is forever in the hearts of many people...and now it's being made into a musical.

          Personally, I hope this does well. I haven't had the pleasure to go see Les Mis live, and this might be my only chance to see it live. And-I think it will do well. Apparently-the production had the actors singing live, only accompanied by a piano as opposed to recording the songs later and a studio. I think that'll add more emotion into the songs, and hopefully give the movie some more depths.

        Regardless of how well the movie does, there will always be some people putting it down. Which is understandable, not everyone can like the same things. 

        What do you guys think about the new Les Mis movie?

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