Friday, October 26, 2012

Billy Ray Cyrus as Chicago's Billy Flynn?

          Perhaps best known to the younger public as Miley Cyrus' father, and as Robby Stewart on the popular show Hannah Montana, Billy Ray Cyrus has been very sucessful as a solo artist and as an actor. Working in both Hollywood and Nahsville, Billy Ray has decided to try something new. Broadway.

         He is set to play Billy Flynn in the long running revival of the musical Chicago, which is now playing at the Ambassador Theatre. According to reliable sources, Billy Ray is extremely excited to be playing this role, and is looking foreward to conquering the Broadway stage.

         What do I think about this? Well, I'm usually extrememly skeptical of when Hollywood stars come to the stage; most of the time they are only put in to generate hype for the show, for people to say "Oh, I saw So-and-So in this Broadway show!!!" But I digress, I'm not usually a fan of that, and I wouldn't go to see a show just because a movie star was in it.

         And there's also the issue of live singing. Sometimes, Hollywood people are used to recording their songs in as many takes as they need, and live singing will throw them for a loop. On the other hand, some movie actors are perfectly capable of doing the tasks that live theatre throws at them.

         I hope Billy Ray Cyrus does well in the show. Billy Flynn is a great role and I really wish that he does it justice. I wish him luck on his run in Chicago.

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