Friday, October 19, 2012

The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Stephanie J Block in promo picture for 'The Mystery of  Edwin Drood"

          In a world where musicals and plays usually have a set ending, among the exceptions is this musical. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. A mystery musical about a play-within-a-play, this is a type of show that you don't see all too often.

          Based off the novel by Charles Dickens, the book was left unfinished-due to the sudden death of the author. So that's where the somewhat unusual ending to the musical comes in. In a 'who done it' style, the audience has the ability to vote on the killer of a character in the play-within-the-play. It's very rare to find a show like that-and I think it's completely brilliant.

          As I've stated before, it's really rare that you find a show like this with such an intriguing concept. With so many musicals these days being produced by corporate companies whose only goals are to dumb it down enough for the average Joe to understand-this is a refreshing change. In my opinion, only a certain type of people can truly appreciate what Drood has to offer-and I think that's pretty cool.

          I really hope the show does well, it has a unique concept, great songs, and a talented cast. I wish all the performers the best of luck in their run.

          The Mystery of Edwin Drood is currently playing at Studio 54 in New York City. If you'd like, you can check out tickets here.

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