Saturday, December 1, 2012


          I now introduce you to a segment I'd like to call, Hey-this is a musical you might not have heard of-so I'll introduce you to it! It's a working title. Anyway-this week's musical is Oklahoma!, a Rodgers and Hammerstein classic.

          Without giving away the full plot-the musical takes place in Oklahoma (sort of obvious, considering the title), and is centered on the story of Curly McLain and Laurey Williams and how they fell in love. Other characters are. Ado Annie and her two romances with Ali Hakim the peddler from Persia, and the cowboy Will Parker. Supporting characters include Laurey's Aunt Eller, the farm hand Jud, and Gertie Cummings.

       Considering that Oklahoma! is my high school's spring musical-I'd like to take a bit of time to talk about that here. Auditions are in 16 days, yet I've already started preparing. I'm a freshman, so the chances of me getting a speaking role are .0001%, but I am going to try my hardest anyway.

         I'm going for the role of Gertie Cummings, the character with the obnoxious laugh. I'm somewhat proud to say that I've got the laugh down-all it needs is polishing. I've been looking forward to this since school started, and I'm really excited. Well-wish me luck! 

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