Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Want To Improve Your Voice?

          This is sort of less like a 'Broadway' related post-and more like a filler post. There's been somewhat a lack of breaking news on the Broadway scene lately-so I thought I'd make this post about some info and sites you can use to improve to improve your voice if you-like me-hope to make theatre a career.

          The place I frequent the most is Felicia Ricci's YouTube channel-@madameunreality. She has a couple of videos so far; on how to breathe, vocal blends, and how to high belt. For someone who hopes to play a role like Elphaba one day, which has a ton of belting, this works for me. And any type of singer in general; I feel like it would be really helpful. 

          Of course-you can take actual voice lessons (as I do), but for people who do not, or just want some tips on how to better their singing-this is one of the best places I have found to do so.

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